
Yang Jenq YJ-880S

Moon Cake Machine YJ-880S

Yang Jenq YJ-880S

Moon Cake Machine YJ-880S

Function explanation:

1)Vertical depositing can reduce the desolation of the raw material’s original flavor caused by over mixing. 2)PLC system,product memory unit built-in (99 units). Recording various operating data. 3)Depositing single, double filling, powder, granule, liquid (like jam) and other fillings. 4)Thin film button and adjusting speed simultaneous, make operating skillful.


1)Vertical filling design decrease damage of filling and pastry. It presents the original materials of the product,even quite soft material. 2)The 3rd filling is directly put on the machine. It applies goes down through gravity. And users can put soft filling(jam),solid filling (nuts),or even powder filling(peanut powder). 3)It applies imported electrical motor and frequency inverter. The stable speed makes stable weight and the error is small. 4)Users can adopt different knives according to the characters of different products. The knife is made of imported material. And it is durable and of high toughness and hardness. 5)It is made from many firm molds and it meets the demand for hygiene condition.   Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa sebagai distributor dan toko peralatan bakery di Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam bakery equipment dengan kualitas bagus dan bergaransi. Jika Anda ingin membeli Moon Cake Machine YJ-850, Anda dapat mengunjungi produk kami dan melihat beberapa jenis produk kami yang lain disini! atau datang langsung ke tempat kami disini. Distributor Yang Jenq di Indonesia. Produk terdiri dari Mixer, Oven, Dough Sheeter, Dough Divider Rounder, Retarder Proofer, Rack Oven, Bread Slicer, Moulder.  

Yan Jenq Company Profile:

It is our goal to provide professional service since Yang Jenq Machinery Co., Ltd. set up in 1972. By the support from our business partners and cultivation of all our staffs in Yang Jenq. We had become one of the  professional food-making machinery manufacturer. “Best supplier/partner in food industry” is our principle to run business. Keeping research and develop equipments to the needs of customers in Taiwan. Also, offer specialized production design and tailor-made services to help customers broaden business and create “Win-Win” relationship.
yang jenq

Moon Cake Machine YJ-850

Yang Jenq

Moon Cake Machine YJ-850

  • It has two conveyers, which make the capacity higher 30% than one conveyer belt.
  • It has streched mould (suitable for fixed models). The mould is made of plastic material that is unsticked. It is also firm and durable.
  • Precisely positioning and shrinking. Pressing together with blowing. It is not slanting, the model makes the pattern obviously and artisticly.
  • The bilaeral transmission rubbing the round device, guarantee the degree of consistency of cake shaping.
  • The air compressing device on stamping machine can be adjusted according to the size of product. This design increase greatly the production and ensures the figure of each product.
The special bilateral rounding device ensures the evenness of stamping. Two conveyor belts turning at different speeds allows for a 30% increase in forming efficiency and speed. A retracable mold or a fixed mold can both be used. Our mods all use non-stick plastic material which is very strong and durable. The precise positioning of mold ejection during blowing ensures the product does not tilt or move. Allowing the end product to appear perfect after forming.   Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa sebagai distributor dan toko peralatan bakery di Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam bakery equipment dengan kualitas bagus dan bergaransi. Jika Anda ingin membeli Moon Cake Machine YJ-850, Anda dapat mengunjungi produk kami dan melihat beberapa jenis produk kami yang lain disini! atau datang langsung ke tempat kami disini. Distributor Yang Jenq di Indonesia. Produk terdiri dari Mixer, Oven, Dough Sheeter, Dough Divider Rounder, Retarder Proofer, Rack Oven, Bread Slicer, Moulder.  

Yan Jenq Company Profile:

It is our goal to provide professional service since Yang Jenq Machinery Co., Ltd. set up in 1972. By the support from our business partners and cultivation of all our staffs in Yang Jenq. We had become one of the  professional food-making machinery manufacturer. “Best supplier/partner in food industry” is our principle to run business. Keeping research and develop equipments to the needs of customers in Taiwan. Also, offer specialized production design and tailor-made services to help customers broaden business and create “Win-Win” relationship.
Bowl Lifter BLT-120/1800

Bowl Lifter BLT-120/1800

Bowl Lifter BLT-120/1800
  • Motorized bowl lifter for removable spiral mixer models SM-120A & SM-120A-S.
  • BLT-200/1800 for spiral mixer model SM-200AT.
  • Save large working time and manpower.
  • Mainly used in large production bakery or big food manufacturing factory, continuous production, automatical production line.
  • Can offer special design for safety lifting and tilting of bowls for special working height.
Bowl Lifter BLT-120/1800 merupakan motor pengangkat mangkuk untuk model mixer spiral yang di design, memberikan keamanan dalam pemakaian. Mudah diangkat dan dibalik ke meja, lift dikontrol dengan tombol tekan untuk gerakan naik dan turun. Bowl lifter ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang memiliki usaha restaurant kuliner karena dapat mengurangi tenaga kerja. Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa (STP) adalah distributor bakery equipment di Indonesia. Kami menjual mesin bakery sesuai kebutuhan anda, baik itu untuk kebutuhan home industry, in-store bakery, chain store, supermarket dan pabrik roti.  Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun, kami berdedikasi untuk memberikan produk terbaik kepada pelanggan. Kami bangga menjadi salah satu pemasok mesin roti di Indonesia. Karena setiap peralatan yang kami jual ini memiliki garansi resmi. Kami juga menyediakan layanan purna jual dengan dukungan tim teknisi yang profesional. Sehingga bila terjadi kerusakan mesin, anda bisa membeli suku cadang pada kami dan kami bantu untuk memasangkannya. Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa sebagai distributor dan toko peralatan bakery di Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam bakery equipment dengan kualitas bagus dan bergaransi, Anda dapat mengunjungi produk kami dan melihat beberapa jenis produk kami yang lain disini! atau datang langsung ke tempat kami disini. Kami menjual mesin bakery Mixer, Oven, Proofer, Bread Line, Slicer, Dough Sheeter & Divider, Moulder, Rack Oven.
Bowl Lifter BLT-120/1800

Bowl Lifter BLT-200/1800

Bowl Lifter BLT-200/1800
  • Motorized bowl lifter for removable spiral mixer models SM-120A & SM-120A-S.
  • BLT-200/1800 for spiral mixer model SM-200AT.
  • Save large working time and manpower.
  • Mainly used in large production bakery or big food manufacturing factory, continuous production, automatical production line.
  • Can offer special design for safety lifting and tilting of bowls for special working height.
Sinmag Bowl Lifter BLT-200/1800 merupakan motor pengangkat mangkuk untuk model mixer spiral yang di design, memberikan keamanan dalam pemakaian. Mudah diangkat dan dibalik ke meja, lift dikontrol dengan tombol tekan untuk gerakan naik dan turun. Bowl lifter ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang memiliki usaha restaurant kuliner karena dapat mengurangi tenaga kerja. Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa (STP) adalah distributor bakery equipment di Indonesia. Kami menjual mesin bakery sesuai kebutuhan anda, baik itu untuk kebutuhan home industry, in-store bakery, chain store, supermarket dan pabrik roti.  Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun, kami berdedikasi untuk memberikan produk terbaik kepada pelanggan. Kami bangga menjadi salah satu pemasok mesin roti di Indonesia. Karena setiap peralatan yang kami jual ini memiliki garansi resmi. Kami juga menyediakan layanan purna jual dengan dukungan tim teknisi yang profesional. Sehingga bila terjadi kerusakan mesin, anda bisa membeli suku cadang pada kami dan kami bantu untuk memasangkannya. Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa sebagai distributor dan toko peralatan bakery di Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam bakery equipment dengan kualitas bagus dan bergaransi, Anda dapat mengunjungi produk kami dan melihat beberapa jenis produk kami yang lain disini! atau datang langsung ke tempat kami disini. Kami menjual mesin bakery Mixer, Oven, Proofer, Bread Line, Slicer, Dough Sheeter & Divider, Moulder, Rack Oven.
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