
Rectangular Showcase S3-B5

  • Adjustable front door openings, back door openings, front and rear door openings.
  • Using ultra-white glass to improve the appearance of the product in the cabinet.
  • Use imported compressors from Europe, environmentally friendly refrigerants.
  • Ultra sonic humidity can be installed to increase humidity in the cabinet.
  • Adjustable LED light source.
  • Black Chinese marble material.

Rectangular Showcase S3-B5 is a display machine that serves to display food while cooling food to keep it fresh. Cake Showcase is made of thick glass and is also transparent, so that the appearance of the food will be easily seen from the outside.. Cooling cabinet for pastry, cake, and chocolate products with high humidity.

Ideal for maintaining product freshness Suitable for households, cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, shops, and other industrial needs.

Sinergi Trikarya Perkasa sebagai distributor dan toko peralatan bakery di Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam bakery equipment dengan kualitas bagus dan bergaransi, Anda dapat mengunjungi produk kami dan melihat beberapa jenis produk kami yang lain disini! atau datang langsung ke tempat kami disini.

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